How to Find a Princess by Alyssa Cole

Thank you, Edelweiss, for the ARC!

I was immediately reminded of how dry, clinical, and direct Alyssa Cole’s voice is. I considered DNF-ing this book when I was 60% in and the characters had a failed kiss and their arcs were often stated, but confusingly shown. I didn’t DNF in the hopes of redemption, a swoony end, and that I read so few Sapphic romances, I felt guilty for quitting.

Makeda is a doormat until she loses her job and her girlfriend on the same day. She is pressed to change her life and her outlook and begins to take steps to change. Her Grandmother, who allegedly slept with a prince, submits Makeda to be the next heir to an island country in the Mediterranean. Beznaria has been looking for the lost heir in order to clear her family’s name and promises to get Makeda to the island to take her new mantle as Princess.

I enjoyed Beznaria’s scenes, as a neurodivergent character, her thought processes were delightful to follow.

I found Makeda’s character arc to be muddled and repetitive. I also found the scenes to lack zip, zazz, interest. The majority of Act 2 happens in the least romantic location I can imagine: a cargo vessel.

Additionally, I never understood why the characters fell for each other beyond extenuating circumstances. Yes, Makeda accepts Beznaria’s quirks. Yes, Beznaria takes care of Makeda. But are those features enough to build a loving, lasting relationship?

I don’t know if I will be jumping at another Alyssa Cole book. I’m 2 for 2 in the Meh column. -Ford

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