Talk Bookish to Me by Kate Bromley

We received this book as an ARC from Netgalley! It releases May 25th, 2021!

Romance writer Kara finds herself face to face with her college ex at her bff’s pre-wedding party and having him back in her life pulls her out of her writing slump. With a deadline looming she takes every opportunity to cross paths with Ryan and he doesn’t seem to mind it one bit.

I never really connected to these characters. In the first chapter, Kara’s bff and the future bride, Cristina, sees that Kara is in distress at seeing Ryan again (she drops a glass of champagne that shatters everywhere) and Cristina is like, “PEACE! You two should catch up!” That bff shit would not fly with me. I would be hardcore wing-personing it and making sure my bff was safe and the object of their distress was uncomfortable. Basically, I think Cristina is a horrible friend (there are other examples throughout the book, but I have since forgotten them).

The most interesting thing about Kara is that she writes romance novels and we get to peek into the historical she is currently writing. Now THERE is an interesting story (inherent misogyny aside): A young woman is forced to marry an old man to pay off her father’s debts and she prolongs it by pretending to be (and then actually) interested in another rich man so that she can stay close to her brother and protect him from their father.

Ryan is also milquetoast. He’s apparently a southern cowboy-type. He and Kara’s initial “meet cute” in college was him stealing the romance she was reading out of her hands and teasing her about it. I don’t need that kind of toxicity in my life. He’s an epic fuck up and does everything wrong at every moment of time and yet she still loves him. The only thing he does right is giving her space after the black moment of the book.

Lastly, you would think Ryan’s fat bulldog would redeem him, but no! I love the bulldog more than any of the characters. I just want to yell at Ryan to put him on a diet so he can live to his full wrinkly lifespan!

So this is a skipper for me. -Ford

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