Harbor (Beards & Bondage #3)

Naked Review_ Harbor (Beards and Bondage #3).jpg

I am so glad to have decided to give this series one more chance. This poly love story is anything but ordinary. Weatherspoon explores what it means to be tragedy-bound and if that is the reason Brooke, Shaw, and Vaughn are so attracted to one another.

The book deftly navigates the waters of a polyamorous partnership, how each partner can mean different things both physically and emotionally to each of the other partners. What the boundaries are and how to have open communications in any relationship.

This thruple starts out on a sexually charged note, clearly defining the Dominant and Submissive sides of their relationship. The consent and rules of play, which in the previous books was less clearly defined, is so specific and safe and comforting, making the sexual interactions intense, but very clearly exactly what everyone involved wants.

If you have never read a poly story or if you have never encountered one that made you feel seen and loved for exactly the needs you have, this is the one. It’s lovely and absolutely-pour-some-water-on-me-its-to-hot sexy.

I’ll just be over here fanning myself for the rest of the year.


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