The Fastest Way to Fall by Denise Williams

Thank you @this_is_edelweiss and @berkleyromance for the ARC of this book!


I was very excited to get back to this world of Denise Williams’. I wanted to love Britta and Wes’ story. I didn’t. To me, the formation of friendship took a beat too long and the romance wasn’t there for long enough. I needed to connect to them on a romantic level more.

This book has a lot of content warnings and you would be well advised to read all of them and heed them. I thought Denise Williams did a great job explaining to us why she told this story. It is an important one to tell. The way she handled addiction, what it does to the people around the person, is masterful.

Even though Wes and Britta were not my favorites, I am very excited for more stories in this world. -Sky


Denise Williams is an exceptional writer. Even though I don’t like exercising or the fitness world, she got me to care about these two people and their journey. This essence of writing she had in the first book of hers I read, How to Fail at Flirting (review here), and had me running to this one.

However, very early on the characters make a joke about my sportsball team, the Packers, and frankly, I cannot let that stand. HOW DARE! MY BELOVED SPORTSBALL TEAM! 🤣

Britta decides to join a fitness app in order to write about her journey for her job. But quickly, she and her coach, Wes, begin to blur the lines between coach and friend. BTW, Wes is also the CEO of the app.

This book could have very easily slid into fat-shaming and body-hating, but never once did it. It was beautiful that way.

Somehow though, it lacked the sparkle and vibrancy of How to Fail… perhaps because I had less of a connection to the characters’ lives and journey.

You can hear us talk more about this book in our episode, out today! -Ford


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