Ippos Kings by Grace Draven

So I read this last week, so bear with me. I’ve read 2.25 other books since then.

What I remember from this book was being so happy that it was an Anhuset and Serovek story. I’ve always shipped them from the previous books and in this one we get to follow them as they take Meggido’s dormant body to his fellow paladins (I know that’s not what they are called but I cannot remember and I’ve been playing a lot of DnD and it’s not wrong).

The scene in the destroyed city: so creepy.

The “Most Dangerous Game” part of the story: amazing.

The climactic fight: v. cool.

I really like this series and am so excited that another one is planned. Even if she never explains what an Ippos King is.

Review_ Ippos King.jpg

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