The Bounce Back by Addie Woolridge

Thank you @honeymagnoliaco for the ARC of The Bounce Back!

This book was an interesting one. The MC, Neale, is a twenty-eight year old live at home artist and this story is all about how after an art show epic fail, her parents make her move out and get a job. She, obviously, falls for the anal-retentive, parkouring, artist at her office job. But this books reads in every moment, like a YA, even though this person is an adult.

If the book was exploring delayed adulthood, it didn’t lean on that hard enough. Instead, it leaned into the artist process and growing into being a professional artists. Now, I’m not saying that this lean was bad, in fact, if it wasn’t the lean I’d be even more frustrated by this book, but it just seems like some opportunities were missed.

This book was effervescent, but I did not connect with the characters at all. There wasn’t any depth beyond Neale’s stunted emotional state. -Ford


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